KG Hypnobirthing Course Timetable
Course Dates Time Venue Cost (£)
KG Hypnobirthing Antenatal Course Please contact me for details.
Private sessions can be taken in the comfort of your own home or mine, at a mutually convenient time. Private sessions at my home cost from £450* per couple and from £550* if the sessions are at your home.
Discounts are available if you would like to arrange a private group session with another pregnant friend. Please contact me to arrange.
Both the Group and Private KG Hypnobirthing Course include: The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves; downloadable audio recordings, course manual and email support for any questions or concerns about pregnancy, labour, birth and breastfeeding.
* Dear Parents - It is my heartfelt wish that all couples have the opportunity to have a positive birth experience. If you feel that you can only commit to a shorter course due to financial restraints or time limitations, please contact me and together we can decide how to accommodate your needs and budget in the best way possible.